The backbone of all our weapon systems, the Core Targeting Module (CTM) combines sensor management, computer vision, artificial intelligence, networks, and sensor fusion with advanced fire control, target tracking, and platform management to create speed and accuracy never achieved before with individual, remote, and unmanned weapon systems.

Autonomous Target Acquisition: Imagery, Radar, Net
- Dynamic Fire Control: Platform and Target Comp
- Active Stabilization: Abstract from positioner/platform
- Guidance: UxV for advanced behaviors
- Weapon function: arms, rockets, missiles, warheads
- Tactical network: Common operating picture
- ATAK compatibility for all abstracted payloads
- Cyber-secure
- Safety-certified
- UxV Mission Computer
- Threat Assessment and Mapping Node
- ISR Automation
- Automatic Target Detection
- Object Recognition
- Guided Weapons Launch Control
- Automated Firing Solution
- Unguided Weapon Gimbal Automation
- Loitering Munition Guidance and Fuzing
- Munition Drop Timing
- Automated Bomb Sighting System