A miniature stabilized remote systems for weapons weighing between 15 and 25 pounds – small rifle, carbine, or single shot grenade launcher.

Weapon Sensor System

Core Targeting Module

Operator Control Unit
The R-S1 can be mounted on a tripod, small drone, unmanned helicopter, or robotic unmanned ground vehicle to be employed in remote controlled sniper overwatch, or as an organic precision strike capability to engage enemy personnel.
The air-to-air counter drone mission is one of the most complex engagement scenarios imaginable. The R-S1 makes this type of engagement possible featuring precision targeting that leverages integrated day/night sensors, active stabilization, autonomous target detection, target classification, target tracking, and automatic ballistic solutions.
The R-S1 design can scale to larger payloads of up to 40mm combined with larger unmanned platforms (static or aerial) that can support those payloads.

AimLock’s autonomous targeting weapon systems enable a whole new way to shape the battlefield in our favor from the ground, air, or sea.
Read more about SUPPORT BY FIRE here.

AimLock’s autonomous targeting weapon systems enable a whole new way to shape the battlefield in our favor from the ground, air, or sea.
Read more about SUPPORT BY FIRE here.